Chapter Chatter: Mission Viejo Service for Veterans Makes Dopp Kits for Hospitalized Veterans

On October 26, 2020, the Mission Viejo Service for Veterans Committee completed a service project by sewing Dopp Kits for veterans hospitalized at the VA Medical Center in Long Beach.

Each zippered Dopp Kit was sewn with vinyl fabric and lined in cotton. The idea for the project came from an online comment that veterans who are admitted to VA hospitals often arrive with no belongings–not even a toothbrush or a razor–and they have no way of buying them. The idea of making Dopp Kits filled with all the toiletries a veteran would need was born and the committee went to work with a goal of sewing 50 in time for Veterans Day. Many donations came in, so the project would not be a problem. A decision was made to create eight additional Dopp Kits specifically for women veterans.

Members performed a variety of tasks, including hosting outdoor sewing sessions, cutting fabric, making handles, sewing kits, shopping for items, and stuffing the kits with toiletries. The women’s kits contained extra items, including fragranced lotion, tampons, and a full-size hairbrush. All kits include a sleep mask, lip balm, a razor, deodorant and more. Members stuffed the kits on the 26th and they were delivered to VA Volunteer Services by Committee Chair April Hay that same day.

Because of the pandemic, the hospitalized veterans are shut in and no visits could be made. The Dopp Kits will be quarantined for two weeks, and will be ready for distribution on Veterans Day.

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