Chapter Chatter: Eel River Valley Chapter Welcomes New Citizens

On Friday, August 21, 2020 the Eel River Valley Chapter in Northern California held an Americanism Committee meeting via Zoom to learn more about the naturalization process. Their special guests were Elizabeth Niemeyer, who teaches the naturalization class, a number of newly naturalized American citizens, and prospective citizens.

The Chapter was honored to have California State Recording Secretary Wendy Malone and State Americanism Chairman Nancy Bradley Wiard in attendance. They, along with chapter members, learned about the naturalization process, and particularly enjoyed hearing from the Naturalization class members who shared their stories about why they wanted to come to America, their journeys once they arrived, and their experiences on the on the path to citizenship. These new citizens are brave individuals who persevered through the difficult process. They are to be congratulated for their efforts in becoming American Citizens.

The Chapter prepared welcome packets for the new citizens containing an American Flag, the Constitution, a flag pin, the Flag Code, the Pledge of Allegiance, red, white, and blue pencils, and a pen. A special hand-crafted flag stand created by committee member Darla McGrath and her husband was a special treasure in the packets.

Beccy Hash and Shirley Lipa are to be congratulated for their excellent work as co-chairs of the Americanism committee. The new citizens were delighted with their gifts, and there was a strong camaraderie among all attending.

Photo L to R: Americanism Co-chairs Beccy Hash and Shirley Lipa

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