Chapter Chatter: District II Meeting Honors Rosie the Riveter

Three guests of honor, all named Rosie the Riveter, joined over 100 District II Daughters at the April 2019 meeting hosted by Chief Solano Chapter. These original Rosies worked in the shipyards at Richmond, California, all heeding the call to serve our country during WWII. Agnes Moore, Kay Morrison, and Marian Wynn, all in their 90s, regaled us with stories of their personal journeys straight from high school to welding shops and beyond. These amazing ladies proudly wore their red and white polka dots inspired by the traditional Rosie kerchief along with corsages gifted by the Daughters of the Chief Solano Chapter.

Several of the Daughters dressed in Rosie-style work clothes in honor of the ladies of the “Greatest Generation”. They have been honored at the White House and Pearl Harbor memorial celebrations, and will also visit Normandy on the 75th anniversary of D-Day.  Several Daughters attending the event are descendants of other Rosies and felt privileged to meet these women and hear them reminisce about their experience in the shipyards.

‘Rosie the Riveter’ women were devoted to a common cause on the home front. Not only did they provide a superb workforce, they also did much to advance the ideas of women in the workplace as capable, dependable and valuable employees.

The Rosie the Riveter Trust partners with the Rosie the Riveter/WWII Home Front National Historical Park to expand educational programs, restore historic structures and develop new ways to engage and motivate youth.

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