Chapter Chatter: Anne Loucks Chapter Brings Cheer to Martinez VA Hospital

Leslie Pfeifer, VAVS representative, wrapped up a year-long project culminating in 100 gift bags to present to patients at the VA Hospital in Martinez.

Each month the collection bin focused on a different item to be donated: One month, socks; one month, hand-held games and so on throughout the year. The hospital discourages gifting sugar- and salt-laden treats, so each gift bag included a $5 bill so that the Veterans could spend it in the canteen on whatever treat they choose.

John Larson, Chief, Voluntary Services, at the VA Hospital declared the donation “made his day.” Many of the Veterans are isolated and the patients may have no family to visit them during the year and it can be especially lonely during the holidays.

While the whole DAR chapter donated, a group of nine Anne Loucks members gathered at Ms. Pfeifer’s home to assemble the bags, carefully setting aside the few that would go to the female Vets.

Photo L-R: Mel Tilkin, Judy Putnam, Liz George, Sue Busenius, Nancy Smyth-Phillips, Karla Henderlong, Kathy Nielsen, Susan Swindell, and Jeanne Marks. Leslie Pfeifer, photographer.

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