Chapter Chatter: Alida Woodward Celebrates 90th Birthday with Santa Margarita Chapter

Alida Woodward has been a faithful and contributing member of the DAR for over twenty-two years . Alida was honored at a recent Santa Margarita Chapter meeting recognizing her 90th birthday. She received a rousing ovation and was presented with a fistful of birthday cards and a beautiful bouquet by regent, Laura Horn.

Alida has served as regent in two different chapters, San Diego and Santa Margarita. She has been 1st vice regent, treasurer, parliamentarian, and chair of many different committees. She is currently the District XIV VAVS appointee for La Jolla VA Hospital. Alida was born and raised in New Jersey with knowledge of the Revolutionary War. She applied for membership through ancestor, Elias Willard, CT and has supplements for Olivar Lamphear, Jr. CT and John Stockton, NJ. Her heritage comes down through both sides of her family.

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