Announcement: Mail Call Instructions

This chair has received several questions about how to write letters and cards to the Honor Flight veterans. Here are some examples and answers to your questions.

  1. How to address the cards- address them to “Dear Veteran or Dear Service Member”.
  2. Don’t seal the envelopes. Some veterans have difficulty opening them.
  3. The cards are not sent to specific veterans. Honor Flight volunteers sort them so that the mail is distributed evenly.

I know it can be difficult to think of something to say in a card or a letter, so here are a few examples to help you get started.

Thank you to Victoria Calhoun for these wonderful suggestions:

  1. Thank you so much for your service.
  2. Thank you for your sacrifice for our country.
  3. I am grateful to you and all who sacrificed to keep our country free.
  4. Thank you for your sacrifice and heroism for our country.
  5. Thank you for your service to this country. We will always be indebted for all that you have given.

Ladies, just remember these veterans are grateful for anything we send them, to acknowledge their sacrifice, to go above and beyond to protect what we love. If you can’t think of what to write to thank them, then send them a drawing or a simple I am grateful for you! These veterans will be grateful to you for remembering them!

If you have any questions, please contact me. That is what I am here for!

Wendy D. Malone

Service for Veterans State Chair

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