Announcement: ‘Raise the Barn’ for Hillside!

California Daughters:

Please join the DAR Schools Committee as we “Raise the Barn” for Hillside School. On February 2, 2021, the 100 year old historic barn at the Hillside School was destroyed by fire. The barn was an integral part of the academic program at the school. Fortunately, the livestock inside the barn at the time, escaped safely, however its contents and the roof were completely destroyed.

We are calling on all Members, Chapters, and Districts to help raise funds to assist with the re-building of this great barn. All denominations of donations are greatly appreciated, however for any donation over $50.00, a “one-of-a-kind” designed pin, taken from the a picture of the actual Hillside School barn will be sent to the donor. Go to the CSSDAR Webstore, DAR Schools, and look for the Hillside “Raise the Barn” donation site or use the link below (after login) to access:

Hillside School Barn Raising

From myself and Co-chair, Penny Adams-Oneill, we THANK YOU for your on-going support of DAR Schools!

Carol Ann Nolan and Penny Adams Oneil
DAR Schools Co-Chairs

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