Announcement: Membership-Public Workshops

Finding Your Roots comes back on January 3, 2023. Consider hosting a genealogy workshop open to your community that also highlights DAR’s missions of education, historic preservation, and patriotism. Perhaps a simple service project in each area. Ladies, we need to go INTO our community to show our presence and attract new members. Genealogy workshops can be set up at community centers and libraries, open to the public. One chapter, or multiple chapters working together, can host them. Share the fun of family history, family stories, and the social and community benefits of joining a lineage society. Publicize your workshop in local papers, NextDoor, community bulletin boards (locally owned coffee shops often have them!), your school e-groups, your church/temple/mosque newsletter or bulletin board.

How many ways can you publicize your workshops and DAR?

Robin Rhein Horwitz
State Membership Chair

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