State Regent’s Message – April 2014

Dear California Daughters,

It is so wonderful to look out my kitchen window and see a big jar of sun tea brewing on our sitting wall.  I hope the sunny, warm days are here to stay! 

I wish you could have seen my husband run into the house this past weekend to let me know that there was loud buzzing going on in our back yard.  The perimeter of our yard is planted with seven foot Carolina Cherries, a flowering and colorful type of hedge.  There are more blossoms this year than ever, and the bushes are full of very busy honey bees!  So many, that I can see them from the kitchen window, too.

By the time this message reaches chapters, the State Regent’s Projects for this term will be completed.  The generous donations of all of our members are what made this possible and ensured its success.  This officer sends her heartfelt gratitude to everyone who participated.  The bees also thank you.  I can hear them talking about it in my back yard! 

Bee Inspired and Take Flight!


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