Chapter Chatter: Santa Margarita Chapter Places Headstone for Founding Regent

On August 29, 2019, the Santa Margarita Chapter placed a DAR Insignia marked headstone on the gravesite of their Organizing Regent, Belle C. Davis Heilman at the Mt. Hope Cemetery in San Diego.  Members Adele Lancaster and Wanda Prosser had located the gravesite at Mt. Hope Cemetery a few years ago, and were surprised to learn that Belle had purchased and paid for the burial site but there was no headstone. Having never been able to locate living family members, chapter member Deirdre Marsac, when looking for a DAR capstone project, jumped at this project to place a headstone here.

Belle C. (for Carrie) Davis Heilman was born December 5th, 1860 in Macoupin, Illinois, and passed away in San Diego March 19, 1952. Belle joined the San Diego Chapter NSDAR on December 6, 1922. With many members living in the north county area it only seemed like a matter of time until thoughts of a chapter to the north would come up. The first organization meeting was held on February 23, 1926 and on October 26, 1929 Mrs. Heilman asked the privilege of presenting the Oceanside Chapter with its charter. The name was later changed to the Santa Margarita Chapter as the North County area grew.

Chapter regent, Charla Boodry, and Chaplain Kellie Stafford, did the unveiling, with State Regent, Adele Lancaster, CSSDAR Recording Secretary, Lillian Leslie, District XIV Director, Rachel Jorgenson, looking on. Santa Margarita Daughters are proud that Belle was found and will be forever recognized by all who pass her gravesite as our organizing regent.

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