Chapter Chatter: San Fernando Valley Chapter installs Vietnam War Exhibit at Burbank Library

San Fernando May 2015 Library Display_VietnamThe San Fernando Valley Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution has installed an exhibit about the Vietnam War at the Burbank Central Library to honor men and women who served in the Vietnam War, and the families of those who did not return, including prisoners of war and missing in action.
The display includes a proclamation from President Obama announcing the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War. There is also a timeline of posters showing the “Road to War 1945 to 1965” and “Nurses in Vietnam.”

All chapters of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution are encouraged to become a Commemorative Partner and create projects that recognize veterans of the Vietnam War. Thank you to member Linda Mustion, San Fernando Valley Chapter, NSDAR, a Commemorative Partner, for providing this display.

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