Chapter Chatter: Rincon del Diablo Honors Vietnam Veterans and Surviving Family

It was an honor and a privilege to welcome 20 Vietnam veterans and eight surviving family /members at our June chapter meeting. Over 80 people attended (our largest meeting to date) as we celebrated our veterans and commemorated the Vietnam War. Rincon del Diablo is a Commemorative Partner of the United States of America Vietnam Commemoration that was founded in 2012 by Presidential Proclamation. Veterans and surviving family members received the Presidential Proclamation, brochures explaining the commemoration, a Vietnam veteran button and of course, their lapel pin.

We had an emotional speaker, Regent Jenn Halter’s neighbor, Zoom Duong, who recounted her experience escaping Da Nang in 1975 at age 11 when the Viet Cong invaded the city. There was not a dry eye in the room. She is the ultimate refugee success story and is eternally grateful for the military men and women who helped her and her family on their journey to America.

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