Chapter Chatter: Rincon del Diablo Chapter to Host Wreaths Across America

The Wreaths Across America Mobile Education Unit is coming to Poway!

On Tues., Jan 17, the Rincon del Diablo Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) will be hosting the Wreaths Across America (WAA) Mobile Education Exhibit. The Exhibit will be at 14038 Midland Road, Poway, from 10am-4pm. Tours through the exhibit take about 30-60 minutes. We hope you will plan part of your day to join us.

The mission of WAA is to Remember the Fallen, Honor Those Who Serve, and Teach Our Children the Value of Freedom, but also bridge the gap between active-duty service members, veterans, and civilians.

The goal of the Wreaths Across America Mobile Education Exhibit is to bring local communities and our military together with education, stories and interactive connections.

The 48’ exhibit is equipped with a 24-person screening room that showcases the different aspects of the WAA mission through video. To the front of the exhibit there are three interactive computers to showcase locations, trucking supporters, and general wreath sponsorship questions. Also, in the front is an education wall of information on the different areas of WAA and where the mission will be going in years to come.

The purpose of the Mobile Education Exhibit is to not only teach the next generation about service and sacrifice, but to share stories of patriotism and love of country to communities around the United States.

Poway Mayor Steve Vaus will be our honored guest for the Opening Ceremony at 10:00 am.

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