Chapter Chatter: Point Vicente Chapter Celebrates One of Their Own

Point Vicente Chapter celebrates our member Kristy Mandigo Kinkor for receiving the International Society of Women Engineers #WE22 award. The specific award is The Prism, one of four in the world! The Prism Award recognizes an individual who has charted their own path throughout their career and has provided leadership in the fields of engineering or engineering technology and professional organizations along the way.

Kristy volunteers her time at the Raytheon Management Club as well as the disability network within her company. She donates her time and money to the Daughters of the American Revolution, Civil Air Patrol, Boy Scouts and the Epilepsy Foundation. She has been working to launch a nonprofit through Disability in Southern California.

She is also a published author of “Ask Why But Not Why Me,” an uplifting reflection on her childhood, education, and career as she struggled with and overcame the challenges posed by a disability.

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