Chapter Chatter: Monterey Commodore Sloat Chapter Celebrates 100 Years of Historic Preservation, Patriotism, and Education

Commodore Sloat Chapter of Monterey celebrated one hundred years of service on Saturday, October 1, 2022. The La Novia room of the Naval Postgraduate School proved to be an historic spot for the chapter as the location has hosted numerous gatherings throughout the chapter’s history.

Attendees included current and potential members, their guests, and regional and state DAR dignitaries. A local historian provided context for this milestone by sharing the historical context for Pacific Grove where the chapter initially formed. A living descendant of an original founding member presented insights from his grandmother’s life and motivation to organize Commodore Sloat Chapter in 1921.

Chapter Regent Cynthia Stormer, along with five honorary chapter regents, presented a Parade of Decades, a chronology of the chapter’s contributions to the community since its organization. U.S. Congressman Jimmy Panetta attended the event, and presented the chapter with a United States congressional certificate, which was previously read aloud to Congress and entered into the Congressional Record. The certificate commemorates the chapter’s commitment to historic preservation, patriotism, and education throughout the Monterey Peninsula community.

In addition to structured programming, guests were prompted for ideas to keep the chapter strong for the next 100 years, discussed them at their tables, and wrote them down for the chapter’s Board to review and consider. Attendees were also encouraged to bring items to donate to a Commodore Sloat Chapter time capsule, designated to be opened in November 2121. The day’s celebration ended with a walking tour of the historic Hotel Del Monte.

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