Chapter Chatter: Leticia Coxe Shelby Chapter Color Guard Participates in Massing of the Colors

karon-jarrard-jane-zoch-jan-landt-irene-hobbsIt was a bright sunny day at the Spreckels Organ Pavilion in Balboa Park, San Diego on Saturday, October 22, 2016.  The Military Order of the World Wars hosted the 60th “Massing of the Colors and Service of Remembrance”.  Among the thirty-three color guards was that of the Letitia Coxe Shelby Chapter.  Jan Landt, Jane Zoch, Irene Hobbs and Karon Jarrard dressed in colonial style dress presented the chapter flags with pride.

The chapter was given a place of honor and was the last to process. Instead of standing with the other teams, our group was given the addition honor of sitting just below the stage in front.  This is where the Survivors of Pearl Harbor usually sit.

It seemed strange to see them in the front row of the audience as it was these brave veterans that gave us the courage and determination to continue to participate in the ceremonies these past five years.  As our unit passed them at our first appearance we heard them say, “You go girls” Sadly, their group is dwindling each year.

It has truly been our honor to participate.  The program includes a parade of colors, an invocation, the National Anthem, a speaker, the Firing of the Volleys and Taps, benediction and retiring of the colors and is presented free of charge each year.  The chapter is looking forward to the October 21, 2017 ceremony.

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