Announcement: New Year Thank You

Thank you to our elected leaders at the Chapter, District, State and National level, for your dedication to service and to this organization. We have pledged our support to all of you.

Thank you to our new Board members and committee chairs, for accepting leadership roles and learning opportunities.

Thank you for your preparation and coordination before we meet, ensuring business will be conducted quickly and competently.

Thank you to all who arrive early to help set up, and to welcome new members, guests and prospective members.

Thank you for wearing name tags, and for having temporary name tags available at check in. After so much time apart, name tags are helpful as we recall familiar faces but might not be able to place the names!

Thank you to all who arrive and are seated on time, to allow our programs and fun to commence!

Thank you to all who listen quietly and attentively to officers and speakers. In addition to showing respect, this allows friends with hearing issues to focus on the information being presented.

Thank you for your membership renewal, which supports chapter, state and national goals and projects.

Thank you for bringing guests to events, to share the DAR fun.

Thank you for carpooling. Riding together is time to chat, catch up and brainstorm, as well as environmental conservation!

Thank you for staying an extra few minutes to chat and to help clean up after the event. Many hands make light work.

Thank you for phone calls and texts as we check in on members we have not seen recently. Each woman is a vital part of our organization.

Thank you, Daughters, for your laughter, time, support, friendship, and dedication to God, Home and Country.

Wishing everyone a wonderful new year!

Robin Rhein Hurwitz
State Membership Chair

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