Announcement: Coronavirus Message to Members

Our California State Society State Conference occurred just as the nation was reacting to the Coronavirus. The decision was made to carry on with plans, relying on the CDC guidelines. At the time, there was no “one right answer for everyone” and your state leadership didn’t presume to make one. Please read my complete March 2020 message at the link below:

The Coronavirus will peak and pass. Life will return to normal and the work of the DAR will continue. In the meantime, we will do as asked and encourage young people to do the same: work from home, avoid social gatherings, use drive-through options, avoid discretionary travel, stay home if feeling ill and contact your health provider for advice, stay away from nursing and retirement homes, and practice good hygiene. Look for things you can do at home that will be constructive, so when this passes, you can boast about what you were able to accomplish.

Wash your hands, my Dear Daughters, and do whatever is necessary to stay healthy!

Much love,

Adele Lancaster
State Regent
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