The DAR School Committee – Needs and Deeds

Welcome to the next two years of supporting our DAR schools. It is this committee’s responsibility to bring to you the needs of the schools and to report the deeds of your chapters. We have been so impressed reading about the many projects of our chapters reported in the Master Questionnaire. We hope you will take a minute and read the report of Adele Lancaster, the previous state chairman of the DAR School Committee, to learn about what was accomplished for our schools last year.

Everyone seems to have their favorite school to support and we encourage you to continue.  But, several special needs have been reported at Pouch Cottage at Tamassee DAR School. Currently, Pouch Cottage is in dire need of some interior restoration. This cottage houses eight boys that range from 2nd grade to grade 10. The cottage was originally started in 1939 and finished in 1945, being interrupted by WW2. California took assumed the responsibility for maintaining Pouch Cottage in 1986. This is a residential home with a group parent. Some of the kids live there year round.

The cottage roof had been leaking for a few months and we were advised of a replacement estimate of about $16,000. Due to additional hail/storm damage a few months ago, the roof has been replaced by the insurance company. Money from the maintenance fund paid the $750 deductible, and covered the additional $450 cost of replacing the roof decking. Water was leaking in around the chimney and elsewhere, causing water damage to the walls and ceiling. The boys have not been able to use the fireplace heater that blows warm air throughout the house because of the water leakage down the chimney and around the electronic parts of the heater. As you know, when our roofs leak we get a very uneasy feeling of losing our security, aside from getting wet! The roof has been fixed, but the boys don’t need the scars of this leak factored into their lives. If each and every chapter in California would help support this project with a contribution of at least $100 we could make a GREAT statement about the caring and nurturing hearts of our women.

Please note that the Pouch Cottage children’s Christmas fund currently has ample money in it.  The “outings” fund is in need of donations. Let’s work to increase the Pouch Cottage Maintenance Fund, and to also provide additional funds for the boys’ outings. 

This could be achieved by having a special basket passed at your meetings with the understanding that it is for the Maintenance Fund at Pouch Cottage, or for the Outings Fund, or both! Perhaps you have funds in your treasury that are looking for a special project. Whatever you come up with, your donations can provide Pouch Cottage students with a new facelift for their home and other projects. Please give this much thought as your board meets to plan for the new DAR year. 

Another way to contribute is to personally donate $25 for a darling pin. “Planning for a Rainy Day” represents our love and protection as the umbrella protects the little children. These pins will be available at Northern and Southern Councils and also by mail.

Thank you for your time and consideration of this project.  We know the boys will thank you!

Mary Ellen Mohler, Chairman DAR School Committee

Jolaine Lamb, Vice Chairman DAR School Committee

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