Constitution Week Committee

The Constitution of the United States of America is the safeguard of our liberties and champion of our freedoms. We observe and celebrate Constitution Week. September 17 – 23, to emphasize the responsibility of protecting, defending, preserving and understanding the Constitution, which includes the study of historical events and the men who framed this document that is the great heritage and foundation of our lives.

September 17, 2012
225th Anniversary of the Signing of
The United States Constitution

2012 is also the 57th anniversary of the first resolution by the U.S. Congress to observe Constitution Week, and the 221st anniversary of the ratification of the first ten amendments known as the Bill of Rights.

Ideas for Chapters

  • Recite Preamble, present a Constitution Minute at meetings.
  • Request proclamations by mayors & city councils designating September 17-23 as Constitution Week.
  • Write news articles/editorials, and obtain public service announcements.
  • Host luncheons/teas with a special speaker on the Constitution.
  • Create displays in libraries, storefronts, schools, churches, court houses, historical homes, museums, banks, post offices, nursing homes, fairs & other community events.
  • Take part in parades promoting the Constitution.
  • Arrange with schools to participate/lead Constitution Week activities in the classroom, or with scout troops, JAC and youth groups.
  • Participate in “Bells Across America” by ringing bells at 1:00 p.m., September 17.
  • Present short Constitution programs to local civic organizations in Colonial costume, with a generous supply of hand-outs.
  • Sponsor poster, essay and drawing contests in schools, & beyond.
  • Present a session of ”Show ‘n Tell” with Colonial objects (authentic or reproductions) in schools & meetings.
  • Attend Naturalization ceremonies, pass out informational materials.

Where do I start?

  • Begin by going to the National committee web page. You will find great ideas, materials, and helpful planning tools for Constitution Week activities.
  • Google “Constitution Week” or “Constitution” and check out the many resources available.
  • Let your imagination go, working to create more activities to help promote the 225th Anniversary of the Signing of the Constitution.

Shop at the DAR Store

  • Present special Constitution Week certificates of award to speakers, chapter & community members who find outstanding ways to commemorate, educate and celebrate the Constitution.
  • Posters, certificates and informational materials can be ordered from the DAR Store online (or call 1-888-673-2732). Make packets of information containing items, e.g. the Preamble, the Pledge of Allegiance, the Flag Code, pocket-size Constitution books, etc. Small flags are always welcome. Small patriotic figures are well received. Winning classes can receive treats, e.g. pizza, cupcakes & ice cream.
  • Note: When ordering items, remember that some are now offered in categories, not by topic. Example, for Constitution Week certificates, you need to look on the page with all other certificates. Leaflets are with the “Books and Leaflets” section.

Constitution Week Contests for DAR Members

  • Constitution Week Poster Contest illustrating the spirit or meaning of the U.S. Constitution. Deadline: To State chair by November 5.
  • Outstanding Scrapbook Contest: To State chairman by February 1. Copy must be mailed, SASE included.

Karen Reese
Constitution Week Chairman

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