Chapter Chatter: Celebrating Our Constitution in Solano County

Nine ladies and one grandchild met at a library in Vacaville to ring bells to celebrate our Constitution on September 17, 2020.

Chief Solano Chapter Regent, Angie Goodson; 1st Vice Regent, Ronan Lentz; Corresponding Secretary, Robin Chavez; Historian, Staci Kendrick; Past Regent, Kimberley Phillips; member, Nancy Schlesinger and Prospective Members, Starla Studer and Karen Powers, rang their bells for a solid minute at 4 PM (PST). The chapter even gained another possible prospective member with a friend attending with Nancy! HUZZAH!

The group visited both before and after bell ringing and greatly enjoyed each other’s company. The chapter hopes to have a larger group in attendance next year and at more than one location. COVID hopefully being in the past and not a factor with group events in 2021.

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