Announcement: Americanism Committee Honors Citizens and Promotes Patriotism

Is your chapter looking for a way to honor an amazing community member? The DAR Medal of Honor and the DAR Americanism Medal are the highest honors the NSDAR bestows on those who make exceptional differences in the lives of others. Please visit the Americanism Committee Webpage on the CSSDAR Members’ Website for further information and links to the NSDAR guidelines and nomination instructions at:

Americanism Committee Page

Nominations and medal presentations can be made at chapter meetings or at other award events throughout the year. However, to have a nominee considered for the March 2020 State Conference, please submit the medal nomination to this Americanism Committee State Chair by November 15, 2019.

Want to increase your outreach, share your ideas, and be inspired by others? CSSDAR members everywhere are invited to join the CSSDAR Americanism Committee Facebook page at the following link:

As we begin the VanBuren administration, let us Rise and Shine to promote patriotic activities in our local communities…and continue to Make a Difference!
Sally Holcombe
State Americanism Chair
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