Announcement: DAR Pathway of Patriots

An exciting opportunity to honor the legacy of our Revolutionary Ancestors!

Immediately following the adoption of the DAR Pathway of Patriots at the 127th Continental Congress, the CSSDAR Board of Directors voted to authorize the purchase of a tree on the DAR Pathway with the stipulation that the tree be dedicated in honor of ALL California patriots. A 50-word online companion piece will accompany the tree planting and will generically describe the service and sacrifice of these patriots.The State Recording Secretary is now accepting one to five word “service rendered statements,” (ex. cavalry, cook, spy, militia) which will become the body of the online piece. The patriot name need not be included. Entries must arrive by   February 15th and should be sent to: [] to be considered by the CSSDAR Board.

The adoption of the tree project has been enthusiastically embraced by Today’s Daughters as we prepare for the nation’s upcoming semiquincentennial celebration in 2026. Trees will be planted in groves and will grace the 25-mile path along the Schuylkill River from Philadelphia to Valley Forge.

Thank you for your help in honoring the legacy of our Revolutionary Ancestors.

Lillian Leslie
State Recording  Secretary [

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