Chapter Chatter : Anne Loucks Chapter Provides Backpacks to Pouch Cottage Girls

Pouch Cottage backpacks (500x375)Anne Loucks Chapter started the year off with a big bang.  Our new DAR Schools Chair, Carolyn Bryant, a retired educator herself, went to work immediately after her appointment and contacted Connie Sparks at Tamassee School to see what the young ladies in Pouch Cottage needed.  Backpacks!  So Carolyn quickly got permission to purchase eight backpacks, then furnished them with all kinds of school supplies including flash drives, pens, paper, folders, glue sticks and more.  She immediately sent them off to South Carolina so they would arrive before the start of the school year.  The children loved them and sent thank-you notes back to Carolyn, saying they had such fun deciding which backpack each girl wanted.  Kudos to her for quick and decisive action!

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