Celebrate America! with the Patriots Records Project

Our sincere thanks for helping attain over 10,000,000 hours of recorded service time during the first two years of the Young Administration! Our new challenge issued at the 2015 Continental Congress is to push on to 12,500,000 hours next year to Celebrate America! and Celebrate 125! With your help, it can be done.

During Congress this year, a new initiative was announced – the Patriot Records Project which will digitize and index DAR’s collection of rare Revolutionary War records as well as documents from other repositories. Our indexing will not only help DAR members but will benefit a multitude of others outside DAR. This means that Daughters working on this specific indexing project may record their hours as Celebrate America! time. Sign-up is on the National website Patriot Records Project page:  Patriot Records Project>>

Other DAR indexing-type projects are NOT eligible to be recorded for Celebrate America! credit…only hours accrued working on the Patriot Records Project. Please contact this state chairman if you have any questions or need additional information.

We will continue to Celebrate America! through this and other volunteer work as we take on the 12.5 million hour goal honoring the 125th anniversary of DAR.

Celebrate America! and Celebrate Service!

Jennifer Smith
Celebrate America! State Chairman

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