The Internet Genealogist— virginiamemory – Library of Virginia

Virginia Memory is part of the online presence of the Library of Virginia, the state archives and reference library. The Library maintains vast and varied collections of print materials, manuscripts, archival records, newspapers, photographs and ephemera, maps and atlases, rare books, and fine art that tell the history of the commonwealth and its people.—excerpt taken from

The Virginia Memory site is a fablous site with easy to use searching. A feature called the DigiTool brings you to a site where you can do a Simple Search or an Advanced Search on the various collections. Also offered is an alphabetical list of their digital collections which includes Revolutionary War Bounty Warrants, Rejected Claims and State Pension. Also in the collection are Dunmore’s War (Virginia Payrolls/Public Service Claims, 1775, Virginia Colonial Records Project and the Virginia Land Patents and Grants/Northern Neck Grants and Surveys which include patents and grants from the crown and commonwealth from 1623 to 1992, and a database of grants in the Northern Neck Proprietary from 1692 to 1862 (images available online). There is also the Civil War Legacy project, a digital archive of original sources of information about the Civil War in Virginia that still remain in private hands. There are letters, diaries, and other material available. This website is a must use resource for anyone researching Virginia.

Christina Ramos
Chair CA Clarion

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