State Vice Regent

Continental Congress was very exciting this year!  Serving as liaison to the Congressional Tea Committee, it is a pleasure to report that it was fabulous!  The change in menu to Mediterranean-inspired selections was very well received.  The decorations were absolutely beautiful, and the attendees enjoyed the time to visit.

As liaison to the Headquarters Administrative Committee, being a part of the commitment to managing and preserving our beautiful craftsman house, our State Headquarters, is a privilege.

At the recommendation of the committee, and with the approval of the board of directors, the re-carpeting of the upstairs has been completed —and it is beautiful!  Please consider holding a retreat or chapter meeting there.  Reservation forms are available on the state’s website.  Consider purchasing a patio brick to honor those special somebodies!

After an incredibly busy first year filled with many changes which, incidentally, have been successfully implemented, your district directors have once again hit the ground running after this year’s sleepover weekend at State Headquarters in July.  Fourteen of the fifteen districts were represented.  It was a fun but busy time of going over all of the changes in the Chapter Achievement Award, the new conflict of interest policy and statement that all of us will be required to sign, and the latest in protocol.  Another area discussed was the change in the NSDAR Bylaws and the increase in dues, the first in nine years.

As you are aware, districts are of vital importance in a state as large as ours.  They were created to disseminate information to all of the chapters in an efficient manner.  So chapter regents, remember, your district director will be in frequent touch with you about the latest important information.

All in all, it was an intensive weekend that also included lots of good food, good fun, and great camaraderie.

The revised State Handbook is ready to be posted on the State website.  You will find it is many fewer pages now because it does not include reiteration of what appears in the National Handbook, the DAR Members’ website, or the State website.

As for the Site Selection Committee, plans have been made for the Meet the New Officers luncheons both north and south.  Please mark your calendars for Saturday, April 26, 2014, for the northern luncheon which will be at the Sacramento Rancho Cordova Marriott; and for Saturday, May 3, 2014, for the southern luncheon at the Knott’s Berry Farm Hotel and Resort in Buena Park.

New this time, the luncheon will be a State-sponsored event.  All district officers will be installed, and this will count not only as one of your required district meetings, if necessary, but also as the May council meetings.

Madame State Regent, it is a pleasure to “do” service and “bee” at the heart of our Society’s existence.

You know:  “Do Be Do Be Do”

Carol Oakley Jackson, State Vice Regent

State Chaplain

As we start this DAR year, we celebrate the election of a new National Executive Board.  This officer has been in contact with Salley Crider, the Chaplain General, and she is very, very nice. She has updated the Chapter Chaplain’s Report Form in the National Information Packet, and it can be found in Part 2.  Please use this form and follow the directions.  The death of a member should be reported to your State Chaplain as soon as possible. Mrs. Crider has included Instructions for Chapter Chaplains in Part 2. Regents, if your chaplain is not here today, please make her aware of these pages, printing them out for her, if that would be helpful.

Continue to inform this officer of members who are celebrating birthdays 90 years and over.  These are very special ladies!  Correct mailing addresses are very much appreciated!

Please note that the list of your members with 50 or more years of continuous DAR membership needs to be submitted by October 15th.  The form is in the State Chaplain’s section of the CSSDAR Members’web site.

As you plan your Chapter’s DAR Year, remember the NSDAR Day of Prayer, which is on Sunday October 13th, 2013.  According to the last Master Questionnaire, only about 20 chapters observed a day of prayer. This number can be improved upon, but remember to report those activities.

The National Day of Prayer is Thursday, May 1, 2014.  Chapter members will appreciate the effort to plan an observation of one or both special days. An article about these days of prayer and possible means of participation, can be found in the California Clarion.  It is well known that DAR also stands for “Daughters Are Readers,” so perhaps you will seek out this information.

Thank you for all of the help and support that you are providing to members. It is appreciated so very much.

Madam State Regent, certainly this will be another wonderful year of maintaining our faith in God, Home and Country.

Thank you.

Sandra Orozco, State Chaplain

State Recording Secretary

Since last we met, this officer has been busy transcribing the proceedings of the 105th state Conference.  This is a monumental job of over 200 pages, and I would like to take the opportunity to thank the following people: Carol Jackson, Adele Lancaster, Donna Riegel and Carol Curran for their continuing help.  This is a job that cannot be done by one, but needs a committee.  Included in this project is an impressive list of  National Awards received by our State Society, our chapters, and our California Daughters.  Congratulations to you all for the effort you put forth in helping to make California BEE all that we can be in this hive of activity.

Another of this officer’s current activities is the collection of the chapter conflict of interest forms.  To those of you have already sent yours to me, thank you. To those of you who have yet sent your completed forms, I look forward to receiving the forms very soon.

Madam State Regent,  it has been a pleasure for me to be a part of the busiest hive in the DAR!

Midge Enke, State Recording Secretary

State Corresponding Secretary

Since State Conference, this officer has been organizing your 2013-2014 State Yearbook and Directory. We have a new National Administration, so we have significant changes in Sections B and E.  This officer is deeply indebted to Proofreading Committee Chairman, Janet O’Connell-Mangham, and her committee members – Virginia Rood, Nancy Beinhorn and Gay Scott – for their diligence.  They kept this officer on the straight and narrow.

Annual “Chapter Officer Report Forms” were requested from all chapters. A big “Thank you!” to those chapters that sent in their forms by the June 1st deadline.  Your thoughtfulness is much appreciated. Ultimately, 113 out of 114 chapters turned in forms to this officer. The information from these forms was forwarded to the Office of the Organizing Secretary General. Chapter Regents, please now be sure to notify e-Membership whenever you have a change in officer information. After making the necessary changes, please also be sure to select “State Corresponding Secretary” from the pull-down “Email” menu. Doing this assures that e-Membership sends this officer a copy of your changes.

You may have noticed that chapter officer photos were not requested this year. Officer photos are not present in the 2013-2014 directory. Chapters should feel free to post their officer photos on their chapter websites.

Hard copies of the State Yearbook and Directory are available at the State Corresponding Secretary’s table in the Exhibit Hall for State and National Honorary Officers, District Directors and Chapter Regents. National awards and bee bags for Tamassee School snacks should also be picked up by Chapter Regents at the State Corresponding Secretary’s table.

Certificates of Appreciation are sold out. Chapters will soon be able to access certificate templates on the CSSDAR Members’ website and print them in 8.5 x 11 format. These will be located under “Forms and Documents,” under “State Corresponding Secretary.”  Please use at least 65 pound paper when printing certificates.  You may find it necessary to hand feed the certificates through your printer.

District Directors, please check at the State Corresponding Secretary’s table in the Exhibit Room before the end of the Council meeting to be sure that all directories, awards and Tamassee School bee bags for your chapters have been picked up.  Please plan to take these with you.

This officer continues to appreciate the chance to serve as your State Corresponding Secretary.  It has been a wonderful experience to meet Daughters from all over California.  Thank you for making this all possible.

Sally Holcombe, State Corresponding Secretary

State Organizing Secretary

As chapters plan their meetings for the next DAR year, think about some of these questions: How does Mary’s chapter get so many ladies to attend her meetings? Wow – look at all the new members in her chapter – how did they do that? How does she keep the momentum going? What do you see as the “highest priority” in your chapter? If your chapter is declining in members, then maybe “membership” is your priority.  It is the life line to your Chapter’s existence.

Is mentoring others to move up into a leadership role your priority? If you have a year before your next elections, start the mentoring process now. Don’t wait until next May, to pass your knowledge to them. Make them co-chairman or have them shadow you. Give them the tools to work with now. It is an important part of your chapter health. Set realistic goals and projects in your chapter, to experience success. Plan motivational activities in your chapter, appoint members to serve on committees that interest them. Plan a “buddy system” for new members, to get them involved.

Communication is important!  Most of us use email but snail mail should be used for those who don’t have computers. Phone calls are appreciated. Create a telephone tree.  Call all members, make them feel important and offer them a ride to the meeting if necessary. Share information….You want members to be informed… this is part of the overall health of your chapters. Make announcements about the next chapter, district and state meetings well in advance, so they may plan their calendars. Newsletters: stay up to date with the latest events going on in your chapter.  Recognize your members with photos and stories, and for a job well done.

Is your meeting day, place and time, convenient and comfortable? Explore the needs of your members and try to accommodate them. Ask them about their needs!

Are people friendly, having fun and mingling with others? Step out of your “comfort zone.” Challenge yourself to meet and get to know someone NEW at every meeting, this will make them feel welcome.

Does the flow of your meetings move along in a timely fashion? Keep your meetings on track we all have busy schedules. Members want to get on with the business of the chapter and move along.  But most of all keep your meetings positive and exciting!

Is there a spark of enthusiasm in your chapter? Have interesting programs, it will entice your members to get involved and keep coming back for more. Arrange a brain-storming meeting of ideas such as in the park, where one chapter met this summer with a sack lunch.  It proved to be a very informative and social event. As we look at “Today’s DAR,” let us not forget why we joined DAR.  Help all members to find their passion, and keep that spark of enthusiasm going!

This officer is part of the Chapter Development and Revitalization Commission, and available to answer your questions about your chapter’s health, and be your guide.

If you live in a remote area and feel a NEW chapter may benefit your community, please contact this officer and share your ideas.

Thank you Madame State Regent for the opportunity to serve under your leadership.

Cindy Allen, State Organizing Secretary

State Treasurer

This officer wishes to thank the chapter treasurers and regents that have emailed or phoned over the past year asking many questions.  Some were easy and could be answered quickly.  Others required researched to ensure the answer was correct based on current and up-to-date information.  The research was a very time consuming process, but in the end it paid off with the fully overhauled financial handbook.  This handbook was the foundation for the chapter treasurer and regent financial training that was provided at both councils. A hard copy of the handbook was given to each attendee.  Attendance was taken at the meetings and those chapter treasurers and regents who did not attend will be notified to attend one of the follow-up sessions that will be announced in the week or two following council.

Dues time is upon us again and each chapter should have received its National invoice by now.  If an additional copy needs to be printed, it should be available for reprinting on e-Membership in the near future.  Chapter officers, please work as a team with the chapter treasurer to make 100% contact of all members for dues collection, and don’t leave the “bill collecting” to just the treasurer.  Instead, take the opportunity to not only remind the member that dues are now payable but more importantly to let them know they are a valued member of the chapter. Thank them for their service, and encourage them to continue to attend meetings and be involved.  Please note the deadline for submission of all annual dues, contributions, and donations is on December 1 which is on a Sunday so the dues will need to be postmarked by Saturday, November 30.

The initial registration for each chapter as a Charitable Trust with the California State Department of Justice Office of Attorney General is in progress.  Currently, half of the state chapters are in the process of registering so we have a way to go to meet the goal of 100% of chapters completing the initial registration by December 31.  Contact this officer for assistance with completing the registration.

Chapter treasurers, thank you for your dedication and hard work in completing the varied tasks required of your position.  This officer stands ready to assist you in any way possible.

Gayle Mooney, State Treasurer

State Registrar

Congratulations on the wonderful work your chapters have been doing in growing our membership. Your registrars and membership teams have been busy bees inviting and helping prospective members with their papers.

Total membership in California, as of September 3, is 9,803 members.  Now, let’s do a little math! The membership number of 9,803 represents a net growth of 325 members since January 1st or approximately 3.4% so far this year, which includes 546 new members. But, wait a minute…546 new, but only 325 net growth?  What is happening?

Two things:

  1. It’s dues time again and members must decide whether to renew their membership. Herein lies a challenge: Is your chapter offering them the value for their membership that will assure that “of course they will pay their dues.” It is as important to engage and retain our current members as it is to gain new members. So please make the extra effort to reach out and call or visit those who may be hesitating or whom you      haven’t heard from. Let them know how valued they are in your chapter and remind them of how much their membership means. And then demonstrate that all year long! Sometimes a contributing and devoted member has financial problems and can’t pay her dues. Does your chapter have a Friendship Fund to offer her assistance? If not, please consider it.
  2. Many verified papers are waiting in Washington for approval and will increase our new member numbers and hopefully our total membership. This brings new blood to our Society and with it new ideas and      enthusiasm. So keep those applications coming!

Our new President General Lynn Young has challenged every chapter to post a net increase of 10% during the Young Administration. We’re on our way…let’s keep up the momentum. This officer challenges every chapter in our state to meet that goal. “On your mark, get Set, Grow!”

Registrar’s Workshops – One year ago at the Fall Councils this officer announced registrar workshops to be held around the state, focusing on training and updating registrars and membership teams, close to their homes. So far, the Chapter Development and Revitalization Commission has hosted five workshops from north to south and has received enthusiastic response. Our goal is to reach every chapter in California. We still have a ways to go, so watch the Clarion and the State website for notice of a workshop near you. Make sure your chapter has the training that you need to do this important job!!

Beverly Roberson Moncrieff, State Registrar

State Historian

Celebrate the outstanding teachers of American history in your community. Recognize one at a chapter meeting. Put an article in the local paper to commemorate the recognition. Present him or her with a certificate, a mug, a pen, our American Spirit, a book… something DAR.

The deadline for the Outstanding Teacher of American History nominations is December 1. However, since December 1 is a Sunday, the nominations mailed must be received by this officer no later than Saturday, November 30.

You know that chapter regents can now authorize the purchase of DAR Insignia grave markers to be placed at the site of a member’s interment. Did you know that you can get them and even place them ahead of time so that the task doesn’t fall to family members?

Placing DAR Historical Markers can be an arduous task. It takes time and patience to work through the process. Follow the directions carefully and you should be rewarded for your efforts. Please contact this officer with your intent to place a marker. She would really like to follow your progress.  Congratulations to Mitz-Khan-A-Khan Chapter. They expect to be marking the San Buenaventura Mission this spring!

These items and more are found on the State Historian’s web page. Please go to the website for more information and links to National for additional details and forms.

Thank you, Madam State Regent, I so enjoy serving our Society with you and having the time to share these highlights.

Adele Lancaster, State Historian

State Librarian

This has been a very exciting year, and this state officer has been busy traveling around the state to visit a number of chapters and districts.  It was a pleasure to attend meetings as far south as San Diego, and as far north as Eureka.

Support for the NSDAR Library as well as the CSSDAR Library Collection at the Fresno County Library has been exceptional.  Many awards were handed out at state conference in March to recognize chapters and individuals who have consistently supported our libraries.

All of the books on the first “Wish List” for the Fresno County library have been purchased!  Book plates were inserted in the books, and they have/will be delivered to the library.  The Fresno County Library has renovated their history and genealogy department, and a grand opening is planned this Fall.  In addition, a new list of 135 books has been added to the state website.

This officer has received several requests for assistance in accessing the Fresno Library Wish List on the state website.  To access the list, go to the state website; on the left hand side, click on “Documents and Forms.”  There will be a drop-down list – click on “State Forms and Documents;” under “State Librarian” there are two forms listed.  The first is the “Fresno County Library Wish List.”  The second is the “Fresno Library Adopt a Book Order Form.”

The Wish List has a list of 135 books that can be purchased for donation to the Fresno Library.  The Order Form contains instructions for ordering books.  Please remember to contact this officer to reserve a book before sending in the order form.  There is a link on the Order Form to send an e-mail to this officer to reserve a book.

Your continued support of our State library project and the DAR Library is greatly appreciated, and this state officer looks forward to working with you during the next few months to increase the holdings at both libraries.

Donna Riegel, State Librarian

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