Massing of the Colors, San Diego

The annual Massing of the Colors and Service of Remembrance was held at Balboa Park in San Diego on November 3.  The Letitia Coxe Shelby has enlisted the services of an ROTC color guard to present the chapter flags in the ceremony for many years. The ROTC color guard informed the chapter at the last minute that they would be unable to represent our chapter.  The ROTC chair Jan Landt and Regent Irene Hobbs, with less than 48 hours left, decided to get the job done and there was no time to waste. With no practice and only phone conversations the dress was decided as Colonial. The chairman of the event, Jack Harkins, Lieutenant Colonel USMC, Retired, was delighted and offered encouragement.  Four members, Jan Landt, Irene Hobbs, Jane Zoch, and Lauri Pich successfully represented the Letitia Coxe Shelby Chapter. Jan carried the chapter DAR banner, while Jane Zoch carried the Flag of the United States.  Lauri and Irene served as the side guards.  Survivors of Pearl Harbor gave them a big “go girls.”

Submitted by: Irene Hobbs

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