Chapter Contributions to DAR Approved Schools

As chapters are finalizing their dues and contributions before the December 1 deadline, there have been many questions regarding how and where to submit contributions to DAR approved schools.  Below is an extract from the National Guide for Chapter and State Treasurers, page 4:

“Contributions to the DAR Schools: Contributions to the Friends of DAR Schools are sent  to the Office of Development using Form DEV-1003; contributions to a specific school and project may be sent directly to the school.”

The DEV-1003 can be completed as a chapter by entering the chapter name in the “Name of Donor” field, chapter code in the “National Number” field, and entering the chapter treasurer’s contact information.  The contribution would be for “Friends of DAR Schools” which is on page two with four categories to choose from, and ANY amount is appreciated.  The minimum amount listed is for eligibility to purchase a pin.  Information on how this fund works can be found at

A chapter can make direct contributions to a DAR approved school, however, a letter is to accompany the check that designates what the school is to use the funds for, e.g., scholarships, building repair, etc.  This provides reasonable assurance that chapter funds are used as intended and protects the non-profit status of the chapter and NSDAR.

Some chapters have budgeted a relatively small amount ($1 to $5 to each school) which is not a very practical amount to submit directly to each school.  It is recommended a chapter consider amending its budget at the December meeting to consolidate the amounts and contribute the total amount to the California Pouch Cottage at Tamassee DAR School on the State General Remittance Form or to the Friends of DAR Schools on the DEV-1003.  These donations need to be made by December 31 to be eligible for Chapter Achievement Award credit.

Please contact this officer if you have questions.

Gayle Mooney
State Treasurer

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