Protocol Pointers – November 2012

When is it appropriate to wear the official insignia, pins, and ribbons?  A member’s insignia, pins, sashes, and ribbons are always appropriate to wear at a National, State, district, or chapter function, but can the insignia be worn at other times?

Here are guidelines taken from the  “Official Procedure and Protocol Booklet” found on the DAR Members’ website:

If a member is invited to represent her chapter or the state at another organization, pins and sashes would be appropriate.

Insignia, pins and ribbons are not to be worn in public unless one is officially representing the DAR.  Insignia, pins and ribbon may be worn during the dedication of a grave marker for a deceased Daughter and also at the funeral, viewing or memorial service of a Daughter. (Emphasis added.)

In accordance with the DAR Handbook, Chapter 12, The Official Sash, “The DAR sash is not to be worn while attending a function of another organization unless the member is attending in her official DAR capacity.

If you are on your way to a DAR function, and have already positioned your pins on your dress or jacket, either remove your jacket and carry it with the pins hidden from view, or place a scarf over your pins until you reach your destination.

If questions arise, please email this chairman!

Sharon Maas
State Protocol Chairman

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