Q’s and A’s for Membership

As we begin a new DAR year, many of us are assuming new responsibilities and naturally have questions. Please send your questions to State Registrar Bev Moncrieff, and I’ll work to get you a speedy answer. Additionally, we’ll be sharing those questions and answers that have wide applicability in this column each month, starting this month.

Q: Is it possible to correct an error that the genealogist has made on an approved application form?

A: Only within six months of verification, before the application has moved to offsite storage. Please submit such requests to rgcorrections@dar.org.

Q. How long should it take for National to verify new member applications or supplemental applications? Have there been any events lately that would cause unusual delays?

A:  According to the Registrar General’s Office, the turn-around time for verification of new member application averages seven weeks and for supplemental applications seven months. A recent power outage in the Washington area affected Headquarters computer systems. In addition, the incredible success of Rob Lowe appearing on “Who Do You Think You Are” featuring DAR’s wonderful library, resulted in so many inquiries for membership that it brought the server to its knees for a short while. (A great problem to have.)  Continental Congress always impacts the genealogists as they work to be available to members with questions and problems. All in all, the turn-around time has improved significantly in the past few years. This is partially due to the excellent job that you are doing on the applications and partly due to the exceptional genealogists we have working for us at National.

Barbara McMahon
Chairman Lineage Research

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